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Is Candida Really Caused by Sugary Diets?

candida-sugarAccording to the CDC at least 75% of all woman have had a yeast infection. An overgrowth of Candida albicans causes this uncomfortable condition. Woman aren’t alone as men also can experience this yeast overgrowth. Is this just a normal part of life or is there perhaps a dietary cause for too many of these microorganisms thriving in the human body?

What Is Candida?

Basically, Candida albicans is a type of unicellular fungus, which absorb nutrients from its surroundings. Its food of choice are simple sugars just like its yeast cousin, which is used to make bread and wine. These cells are always present in our environment and on our bodies, but usually harmless unless their numbers are allowed to grow out of control. Under the right conditions, Candida can become parasitic in nature feeding off of living tissue, which causes swelling, itching, and pain.

What are the Causes of Overgrowth?

In healthy individuals there are natural defenses that keep Candida from growing out of control, but if these become compromised then increased risk of yeast infections could result.
  • Antibiotics: These prescriptions are designed to kill bacteria and unfortunately, they kill the good bacteria along with the bad. Good bacteria in our bodies keep Candida yeast from growing out of control.
  • Weakened Immune Systems: People who have compromised immune systems due to illness, medication, and poor diet are at greater risk of Candidiasis as well as other pathogens.
  • Diet: Because most people’s diets are loaded with sugar, processed foods, and refined carbs their bodies become a perfect breeding ground for this fungi. Yeast can reproduce rapidly in warm, sugary environments and without a strong immune system in place as well as good bacteria to keep them at bay, they’re able to grow at will.


Those with too much Candida in their systems will usually be experiencing the following overgrowth symptoms.

Primary Symptoms

Frequent yeast infections- Those that routinely get vaginal, oral, penile, or skin Candidiasis have too much yeast in and on their bodies. More than one yeast infection a year is cause for concern.

Secondary Symptoms

Because of the byproducts Candida yeast releases into the body, overgrowth is believed to be the possible cause of; Fatigue, sugar cravings, obesity, indigestion, eczema, brain fog, poor memory, headaches, yeast sensitivity, constipation, athlete’s foot, dizziness, chronic pain, mood swings, depression acid reflux, low sex drive, and irritability. The secondary symptoms can be caused by a number of problems, but people who experience the primary symptom and have many of the secondary symptoms have anecdotally found relief after they have taken the necessary steps to eliminate the yeast overgrowth.

Eliminating Diet Guidelines

Following a Candida Diet is an effective way to eliminate the overgrowth of yeast in the body. This diet has a threefold objective;
  1. To starve the yeast.
  2. To strengthen the immune system.
  3. To restore good bacteria.
In a nutshell the Candida diet eliminates refined sugars, refined carbs, and processed foods from the diet along with other yeast feeding foods.

Sample Food List

Foods to Avoid
All sugars Glutenous grains White rice Processed food
Milk Artificial sweeteners High sugar fruits and dried fruits Most vinegars
Carrots, beetroot, potatoes Soft drinks Some fermented foods Yeast containing foods
Foods to Eat
Green Leafy vegetables Organic meats Low sugar fruits Coconut oil
Plain yogurt Kefir Brown rice Quinoa
Most nuts and seeds Lentils and non-starchy beans Stevia Oats
The above list is just a general summary of the foods to be avoided and eaten in order to eliminate Candida. A good plan will have extensive eating guidelines.


Although Candida overgrowth isn’t widely accepted as a diagnosis by medical professionals, many have found improved health by following the dietary guidelines recommended. Also, there was research that showed that women with sugary diets did indeed experience more yeast infections. Before considering a Candida diet make sure the plan in nutritionally sound and not too restrictive. Also, beware of the one pill “miracle” supplements that promise to rid Candida albicans from your body as they haven’t been proven effective. This article comes courtesy of, which covers the subject of candida overgrowth extensively.

1 comment:

  1. "Although Candida overgrowth isn’t widely accepted as a diagnosis by medical professionals, many have found improved health by following the dietary guidelines recommended."

    That right, most of us must follow a good dietary guidelines in order to be more healthy.

    Christine Eubanks
    Fermented Foods List
